good morning, grace


amazing grace, how sweet the sound - amazing love, now flowing down - from hands and feet that were nailed to the tree - as grace flows down and covers me​. it covers me.

​One of my seminary professors defined grace for me as "an undeserved relationship."

That simple word association has transformed the way I think about grace, and the way I ask for it this morning and every morning. ​

An undeserved relationship. ​

When I think about the vast majority of the anxiety I hold, the sleepless nights I have, the thoughts that capture and torture my little mind - it is almost all relationship. The words "I'm not enough - doing enough, being enough, loving enough, sharing enough, caring enough" - these are the hundred little insecurities that turn me into a shadow of who I am called to be, and they know nothing of grace.

Today, I want to lean into this relationship undeserved - with the One who is reaching down and covering me, quieting me with His love and rejoicing over me. Yes, me. Broken, angry, bitter, silly, foot-in-my-mouth me. ​

And can I perhaps be an extension of that grace ... to cover the people in my path with the beauty of an undeserved relationship? ​

Good morning, grace. You are welcome in my broken house. ​

Class NotesMelanie R.Comment